Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (2024)

Location: Blueberry Academy

After you have cleared out Area Zero and returned to Blueberry Academy, you will be informed that a man in a suit is by the entrance and wants to talk to you. He will introduce himself as Snacksworth and how he has found many Legendary Pokémon on his travels.

If you complete 10 Blueberry Quests, or 1 Group Quest, he will give you a snack for a Legendary Pokémon at random. With that, he'll give you a hint as to its location and sends you on your way to get them.

The Pokémon that you get in your Solo Quests are different depending on if you're in Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet with the other version's available through Group Quests. You are not required to play with players from the other game version to unlock any Legendary Pokémon.
Three Pokémon are exclusive to Group Quests while both versions will get Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Kubfu as Solo Quests.

Solo Quests
Scarlet Solo Quests / Violet Group Quests
Violet Solo Quests / Scarlet Group Quests
Group Quest Exclusive

These Legendary Pokémon are Shiny Locked

Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (22)

Below is details on where to find them but for more exact locations, use our Interactive Map


Location: Glaseado Mountain

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Articuno...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. See, I'd found this lovely pond up in the snowy peaks of Paldea and had decided to go for a dip, hankering for a bit of cold-water swimming... when-would you believe it!-Articuno comes swooping down along the nearby waterfall and starts flying about above me, singing away! I was tickled pink, I was. Went on merrily singing with Articuno even as the sun set and the moon rose. Before I knew it, it was morning again!

Specific Location

Articuno can be found on Glaseado Mountain by the lake to the west of Montenevera

Level 70
Tera Type:Ice
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
Glaseado Mountain. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Sheer Cold
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (24)


Location: Poco Path

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Zapdos...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I'd climbed right up to the tippy-top of one of those lighthouses you've got in Paldea, and I was taking in the view, looking over a distant city... when-would you believe it!-the heavens broke wide open, and rain started pouring down on me! I thought I'd better get out of that mess in a hurry, so I turned to head down again. Then the whole sky lit up like a huge crash of lightning, and Zapdos came flying outta nowhere! It blew right by me, quick as a flash!

Specific Location

Zapdos can be found hovering over the guardrail on the top of the lighthouse on Poco Path

Level 70
Tera Type:Electric
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
South Province Area One. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Magnetic Flux
Zap Cannon
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (26)


Location: Asado Desert

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Moltres...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I was off doing a spot of rock-climbing over in western Paldea at the time. The weather was sure something else that day! Sandstorms were kicking up the whole desert- my mouth was as sandy as the ground! I was about ready to call it quits when... Moltres appeared in a blaze of glory, so bright you could see it through the blowing sands! I don't know if it meant to cheer me on, but it certainly did, and I completed my climb that day.

Specific Location

Moltres can be found high up on the canyon edge on the northern side of Asado Desert.

Level 70
Tera Type:Fire
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
Asado Desert. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Sky Attack
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (28)


Location: West Province Area One

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Raikou...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. Yes, there was a day me and ol' Raikou went racing up a mountain together. That Raikou-it's no slouch, that's for sure! Kept dashing past me and taking the lead. I was huffing and puffing and muttering some colorful things as I chased that wily Pokémon. But in the end, we were sitting side by side atop that peak, gazing out upon the massive and majestic desert that covers the land to the north.

Specific Location

Raikou can be found by the lake on the top of a mountain on West Province Area One.

Level 70
Tera Type:Electric
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
West Province Area One. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Rain Dance
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (30)


Location: East Province Area 3

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Entei...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. Would you believe it-I simply ran smack dab into Entei while out adventuring in Paldea! You know that stretch that's dotted with mines, and everywhere you look, there's another hole? Well, there was Entei, popping through those caves like it was having a grand ol' time! I don't like to be outshone, so I did my best to keep up with the feller. Whoo-ee, what a chase! We ended up all the way at the coast, side by side as we gazed out over the endless blue.

Specific Location

Entei can be found on the eastern part of East Province Area 3 on the cliffside next to a fence.

Level 70
Tera Type:Fire
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
East Province Area 3 . Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Lava Plume
Sunny Day
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (32)


Location: Casseroya Lake

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Suicune...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. See, I spotted Suicune once, while I was out enjoying that famous lake you've got in Paldea. We ended up having a little contest of skill, seeing which one of us could get all the way to shore fastest. We were off like a shot, but that Suicune-well, it runs right over the water, now don't it? Me being just your everyday human, the best I could manage was a nice, solid backstroke. It was a fine race, though. Mighty fine. Even if that Suicune did end up beating me by a whisker.

Specific Location

Suicune can be found on the western island of Casseroya Lake

Level 70
Tera Type:Water
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
Casseroya Lake. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Mirror Coat
Rain Dance
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (34)


Location: North Province Area One

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Lugia...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I was paddling in the sea off Paldea, enjoying a leisurely backstroke through those crystal waters. But it was a real frigid stretch of sea, you understand. Didn't take long in that water before I'd started to lose all the warmth in my body! I was shaking like a leaf by the time I found an island and crawled ashore. What should appear before me but a great whirlpool heaving in the sea, and-bwoosh! Out of it comes Lugia itself! I was knocked flat on my backside in the shock of it all, so delighted I forgot I was even cold!

Specific Location

in North Province Area One, Lugia can be found next to a small island in the north east.

Level 70
Tera Type:Water
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
North Province Area One. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Rain Dance
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (36)


Location: South Province Area Four

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Ho-Oh...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. Now this is a real old tale, from those long ago days when I'd just started out as a Trainer... I was down in the southwest of Paldea, near the cascading waterfalls down there. I'd been up through the night, training without rest to try to make my Pokémon stronger. Then Ho-Oh appears in the sky above me, glittering and sparkling bright as you ever saw! I'd sure like to believe that it appeared there to cheer me on when I was trying so hard.

Specific Location

Ho-Oh can be found on a small raised hill by the waterfalls in South Province Area Four

Level 70
Tera Type:Fire
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
South Province Area Four. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Sacred Fire
Sunny Day
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (38)


Location: South Province Area Four

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Latias...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I was off enjoying a spot of backstroke in the sea to the south of Paldea at the time. I'd been going on for a good while, so I'd come to feel a bit tuckered out and in need of a rest. Came ashore to rest on the sand in the shadow of some cliffs... when-you won't even believe it-there's Latias! Just right there before me! Our eyes met, and it gave me a jolly little smile. Then it flew off again out of sight.

Specific Location

Latias can be found on the small beach on the south of South Province Area Four.

Level 70
Tera Type:Psychic
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
South Province Area Four. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Reflect Type
Guard Split
Healing Wish
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (40)


Location: North Province Area Two

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Latios...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. One day I ran smack dab into it, brazen as you please, while I was up in northeast Paldea, see. We couldn't speak each other's language, but I got the feeling it was telling me to follow it. So I gave chase when Latios flew off, and I ended up climbing these mighty steep cliffs. Next time I looked up, I realized I'd come to a small lake, nestled in between some jagged cliffs. It was a secret spot, all right.

Specific Location

Latios can be found by a lake to the southwest of Firescourge Shrine in North Province Area 2. It can be found on the eastern side of the lake

Level 70
Tera Type:Psychic
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
North Province Area Two. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Luster Purge
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Breath
Zen Headbutt
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (42)


Location: North Paldean Sea

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Kyogre...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I was on another one of my adventures around Paldea when I spotted these odd rocks in the sea. I thought to myself, "Now, Snacksworth, those've got to be those famous rocks said to bring riches!” So I figured I might as well squeeze my eyes shut real tight and make a wish on 'em. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes, and what should appear in front of those rocks but Kyogre! Just big and blue and brazen as you please! Now that was a shocking day, make no mistake!

Specific Location

Kyogre can be found slightly off the coast in North Paldean Sea, west of the Groundblight Shrine.

Level 70
Tera Type:Water
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
North Paldean Sea. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Muddy Water
Ice Beam
Sheer Cold
Aqua Ring
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (44)


Location: Alfornada Cavern

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Groudon...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I did spy ol' Groudon once, back in the days when I was adventuring around Paldea. You know the huge cave system under that one town? I never can remember the name... Anyway, the name don't matter, except to say that that's the place where I saw that feller! I thought to myself, "Well, if that ain't Groudon!” And I gave a big wave of my arms to say hello. What else are you supposed to do when faced with the Continent Pokémon, I ask you? So anyway, I did that. And then it showed me its huge, fearsome claws, that it did.

Specific LocationGroudon can be found in a small corner in the south east of Alfornada Cavern, south east of wild Tera Umbreon.
Level 70
Tera Type:Fire
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
Alfornada Cavern. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Hammer Arm
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (46)


Location: Great Crater of Paldea

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Rayquaza...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I was doing a bit of mountain climbing-hauling myself up some mighty steep Paldean cliffs. When I made it up to the top-now that was the kind of sight a man lives for! I looked down over the edge into a sea of white mist, unbroken as far as the eye could see! There was something truly mystical about it all. And what came bursting right outta that dense fog but ol' Rayquaza, like a cork outta a bottle! I nearly fell back down the mountain in shock!

Specific Location

Rayquaza can be found in the Great Crater of Paldea's boundary in the south east near South Province Area 3

Level 70
Ability:Air Lock
Tera Type:Flying
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
Great Crater of Paldea. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Dragon Pulse
Hyper Voice
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (48)


Location: North Province Area Two

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Cobalion...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I was on one of my adventures in Paldea when Cobalion just pranced on down from a cliff. I was real flummoxed at first when it stopped right before me. Maybe it was just pausing to stare because my face looked so funny? Anyway, that ol' Cobalion started to stroll away, so I followed, and it led me to a famed waterfall. I tried to say thanks, but ol' Cobalion just dashed off into the bamboo grove, cool as you please.

Specific Location

Cobalion can be found on the cliffside overlooking North Province Area Two from the southwest

Level 70
Tera Type:Fighting
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
North Province Area Two. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Sacred Sword
Swords Dance
Iron Head
Close Combat
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (50)


Location: West Province Area One

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Terrakion...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. It was just a regular day, and I was out doing a bit of my beloved rock-climbing, as I'm wont to. I'd made it up quite high. When I turned around for a breath, I could just make out Cortondo in the distance, off to the south. I was simply standing there, admiring that view... when next thing I knew, Terrakion had plonked down for a sit right beside me! Perhaps it was simply at loose ends? It sat with me for a time, and we ate some snacks together.

Specific Location

Terrakion can be found on a cliff on the east of West Province Area One hugging the wall of the Great Crater of Paldeas.

Level 70
Tera Type:Fighting
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
West Province (Area One). Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Sacred Sword
Swords Dance
Stone Edge
Close Combat
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (52)


Location: Tagtree Thicket

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Virizion...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I tell you no lies: I simply came across Virizion resting among the trees one day while I was on one of my adventures around Paldea! And what trees they were! All done up in these mysterious patterns like I've never seen. We stayed there a good while, me and Virizion, gazing at one another twixt those fanciful trees. But that ol' Virizion, it didn't run off. Just gave me this curious look, you know? So I sat there and told it about my adventures, and it listened with a kindly air the whole time.

Specific Location

Virizion can be found in the north eastern part of Tagtree Thicket, across the river.

Level 70
Tera Type:Fighting
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
Tagtree Thicket. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Sacred Sword
Swords Dance
Leaf Blade
Close Combat
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (54)


Location: East Province Area One

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Reshiram...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. See, I saw Reshiram with my own eyes, out near a town that I'd passed through in Paldea. It was a town where a lot of hardworking folk live-the type that get their hands dirty. I'd climbed up to a nice height to look out upon all their hard work, carved into the landscape. I was just remarking to myself what a fine show of effort it was, when I seemed to feel a presence behind me. And when I turned-bam! There was Reshiram, right at my shoulder! I figure it must like good ol'-fashioned hard work, too.

Specific Location

Reshiram can be found on top of the cliff by the waterfall alongside the eastern part of Great Crater of Paldea in East Province Area One.

Level 70
Tera Type:Dragon
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
East Province Area One. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Fusion Flare
Hyper Voice
Fire Blast
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (56)


Location: South Province Area Five

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Zekrom...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I'd set out from Mesagoza, thinking I would walk all the way out to Artazon from there. I was making fine progress, when this great black shadow streaks across the sky to the east. I was consumed with curiosity-that's for sure-so I climbed real high to try to catch a better look... and wouldn't you know it-there was Zekrom! I stared up at it like a country lad seeing his first city, and it came down to land right near me. We watched one another for a time. I couldn't help but bask in how magnificent Zekrom is.

Specific Location

Zekrom can be found on top of the giant rock area in the east of South Province Area 5, to the south east of the ruins

Level 70
Tera Type:Dragon
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
South Province Area Five. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Fusion Bolt
Hyper Voice
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (58)


Location: Dalizapa Passage

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Kyurem...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. See, I was up climbing the snowy mountains when a terrible storm blew in, and I had no choice really but to hunker down in a cave underground. Don't even rightly know if I should call that place a cave. It was all soaring heights and wide passages-befuddling as any labyrinth too. I was having a grand time exploring its many nooks and crannies when this sheet of ice near me suddenly up and moved! I rubbed my eyes, not believing what I was seeing, once I realized-it was no ice sheet! It was Kyurem, right there in front of me! Who would believe it, right?

Specific Location

You can find Kyurem within a cave in the western part of Dalizapa Passage, just northwest of the Pokémon Center

Level 70
Tera Type:Dragon
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
Dalizapa Passage. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Hyper Voice
Scary Face
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (60)


Location: Pokémon League

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Solgaleo...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I'd gone to pay Paldea's Pokémon League a little visit at that fine building they've got there. I was just admiring the structure from the outside when one of the staffers noticed me and invited me in for a better look. They took me up to the observation deck, all done up with that logo of theirs. I was looking toward the academy and enjoying the view when a shadow fell across us. I kid you not, young friend. It was Solgaleo itself! It was only there a moment before it dashed right off again in a flash, so I couldn't even get in a how-do-you-do. But it was magnificent!

Specific Location

Solgaleo can be found on the roof of the Pokémon League.

Level 70
Ability:Full Metal Body
Tera Type:Psychic
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
Pokémon League. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Metal Burst
Wild Charge
Solar Beam
Flare Blitz
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (62)


Location: Casseroya Lake

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Lunala...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I was on a fine sandy beach in Paldea, gazing out at the sun as it set into the sea. Looking at the sun really reminds you just how small you are as one person, you know? I was getting all sentimental as I watched the light slipping away. It hadn't yet disappeared when suddenly this great crescent moon bloomed before my eyes! It was only there for an instant, so it was hard to get a good look. But I'm sure that silhouette belonged to Lunala, or my name's not Snacksworth.

Specific Location

Lunala can be found on the cliff edge in the far west area of Casseroya Lake.

Level 70
Ability:Shadow Shield
Tera Type:Psychic
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
Casseroya Lake. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Phantom Force
Dream Eater
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (64)


Location: Socarrat Trail

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Necrozma...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I was sitting in the stream of one of Paldea's waterfalls, letting the pounding water cleanse my mind... when I looked up and saw Necrozma sat right up above, giving me the ugliest glare! I thought it'd be unwise of me not to stand my ground, so I squared up and roared as loud as the water! That had ol' Necrozma off like a shot. And it wasn't just Necrozma either! That shout of mine sent all the nearby Sawsbuck scattering, too, wouldn't you know it! Hahahaha!

Specific Location

Necrozma can be found on the rocks in the middle of Socarrat Trail.

Level 70
Ability:Prism Armor
Tera Type:Psychic
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
Socarrat Trail. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Stored Power
Rock Blast
Iron Defense
Power Gem
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (66)


Location: North Province Area Two

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Kubfu...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I was adventuring off in Paldea when I saw Kubfu training! I ambled right up to it and asked, "Ohoho, hard at work training, are you?” Why, the two of us got on like a house on fire! We trained together for a time, till Kubfu seemed to be itching to move on. But it left me a gift-it plucked up a haul of the bamboo sprouts that grew nearby, just for me.

Specific Location

Kubfu is located by the sign next to the waterfalls at the fly spot in the bamboo forest in North Province Area Two.

Level 30
Ability:Inner Focus
Tera Type:Fighting
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
North Province Area Two. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 30
Scary Face
Brick Break
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (68)


Location: Glaseado Mountain

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Glastrier...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I was off hiking among Paldea's peaks for a bit of fun, mountain climbing being a bit of a hobby. I was trekking up and up those snowy hillsides, and I figured I must have been nearly to the summit when I came across some ruins. Perhaps they'd been a house once? The walls still looked sound enough that I thought I could take shelter and have myself a little rest. I'd no sooner drawn close for a look than this Pokémon appeared, white as the driven snow! Glastrier'd been sleeping inside! When it popped its long face out, the fright nearly froze my heart!

Specific Location

Glastrier can be found on the southern part of Glaseado Mountain, north west of some ruins

Level 70
Ability:Chilling Neigh
Tera Type:Ice
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
Glaseado Mountain. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Iron Defense
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (70)


Location: Dalizapa Passage

Snackworth's Hint
Speaking of Spectrier...I do recall this one particular encounter when I was a younger feller. I was off hiking among Paldea's peaks for a bit of fun, mountain climbing being a bit of a hobby. I was taking my sweet time meandering up some mountain paths dotted sparsely with trees. I came upon this old ruin on the path, covered in vines, and I thought to myself, "Now, doesn't that seem as good a place as any to take a rest?” I'd no sooner drawn close for a look than this black shadow of a Pokémon appeared! Spectrier'd been sleeping inside! It popped its long face out and scared the spirit outta me! It loves that snack you have there, so you might just have a shot at meeting it too!

Specific Location

Spectrier can be found next to some ruins along the Great Crater of Paldea's boundary southwest of the Pokémon Center in Dalizapa Passage

Level 70
Ability:Grim Neigh
Tera Type:Ghost
Hold Item:
Random Nature.
Date of Receiving
Dalizapa Passage. Apparently had an encounter at Lv. 70
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (72)
Snacksworth & Legendary Pokémon- Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.