Rats' Horoscope 2023/2022: Monthly Lucky Prediction (2024)

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Content Preview Career — Rats’ 2023Horoscope Love — Rats’ 2023 Forecast Chinese Zodiac Love Compatibility Calculator Wealth — Rats’ 2023 Projection Health — Rats’ 2023Prognosis Year-of-the-Rabbit People’s 2023Monthly Horoscope Rats’ Month 1 Horoscope (Jan. 22 – Feb. 19, 2023) Rats’ Month 2 Horoscope (Feb. 20 – Mar. 21, 2023) Rats’ Month 3 Horoscope (Apr. 20 – May 18, 2023) Rats’ Month 4 Horoscope (May 19 – Jun. 17, 2023) Rats’ Month 5 Horoscope (Jun. 18 – Jul. 17, 2023) Rats’ Month 6 Horoscope (Jul. 18 – Aug. 15, 2023) Rats’ Month 7 Horoscope (Aug. 16 – Sep. 14, 2023) Rats’ Month 8 Horoscope (Sep. 15 – Oct. 14, 2023) Rats’ Month 9 Horoscope (Oct. 15 – Nov. 12, 2023) Rats’ Month 10 Horoscope (Nov. 13 – Dec. 12, 2023) Rats’ Month 11 Horoscope (Dec. 13, 2023 – Jan. 10, 2024) Rats’ Month 12 Horoscope (Jan. 11 – Feb. 9, 2024) Year of the Rat People’s 2022 Monthly Predictions Rats’ Month 1 Horoscope (Feb. 1 – Mar. 2, 2022) Rats’ Month 2 Horoscope (Mar. 3 – Mar. 31, 2022) Rats’ Month 3 Horoscope (Apr. 1 – Apr. 30, 2022) Rats’ Month 4 Horoscope (May 1 – May 29, 2022) Rats’ Month 5 Horoscope (May 30 – Jun. 28, 2022) Rats’ Month 6 Horoscope (Jun. 29 – Jul. 28, 2022) Rats’ Month 7 Horoscope (Jul. 29 – Aug. 26, 2022) Rats’ Month 8 Horoscope (Aug. 27 – Sep. 25, 2022) Rats’ Month 9 Horoscope (Sep. 26 – Oct. 24, 2022) Rats’ Month 10 Horoscope (Oct. 25 – Nov. 23, 2022) Rats’ Month 11 Horoscope (Nov. 24 – Dec. 22, 2022) Rats’ Month 12 Horoscope (Dec. 23, 2022 – Jan. 21, 2023) Check Other Chinese Zodiac Signs' Horoscope 2023/2022

2023 is a year of the Rabbit. Rats (those born in a Chinese zodiac year of the Rat), according to Chinese astrology, among the 12 zodiac signs, your sign, the Rat, is 1stand the Rabbit is 4th, and the 1stand 4thbranches tend to overcome each other. Therefore, Rat people, you will encounter many difficult troubles in 2023, and your overall horoscope will be one of ups and downs.

Rat people, you need to be cautious and not impulsive in your actions during this year.

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  • Career Prediction 2023
  • Love Prediction 2023
  • Wealth Prediction 2023
  • Health Prediction 2023
  • Monthly Predictions 2023
  • Monthly Predictions 2022

Career — Rats’ 2023Horoscope

Entering 2023, the career fortune of you Rat people is generally good, but due to being in tangential opposition to Tai Sui (the age star), you will encounter some obstacles.

Working Rat people, this year you will encounter many annoying things in the workplace, including being isolated by colleagues or being talked about behind your back, which could make you very troubled. Mistakes may also occur because of a lack of concentration, leading to you being blamed by leaders and receiving complaints from colleagues.

Rat people who have yourown business, in 2023 you must learn to maintain a good relationship with your partners. It is the most basic courtesy to send a greeting during certain festivals, otherwise long-term absence of contact will make your partners feel that your cooperation has elapsed.

In addition, Rat people, you have the lucky star Kuigangin charge this year. Whether you are employed or self-employed, as long as you move forward bravely and face difficulties head on this year, you will get out of your predicaments and achieve great progress in your career.

Love — Rats’ 2023 Forecast

Rats' Horoscope 2023/2022: Monthly Lucky Prediction (1)Rat's Love Compatibility

In 2023, the fortunes of the Rat people in love display a downward trend.

Single Rats, you will probably remain single this year. Although you will encounter a few blossoming relationships, they will likely turn out to be sour grapes. Even if you meet a person you like, you will later find that s/he does not treat you sincerely.

Rat people, you should also reflect on yourselves. Although you are gentle in character, you are sometimes not decisive enough, and you are hesitant when encountering problems. This is a fatal flaw for Rat men, especially when you encounter setbacks.

You should be calm, deal decisively, and not sit back helplessly. After the charm of your personality is improved, if you believe in Chinese astrology, love will beckon you from not far away.

2023 is destined to be a very rough year for you Rat people who already have a partner. This year, there will often be arguments with your partner over trivial matters, and you also need to beware of the risk of a third party in your relationship. The quarrel and the cold war are very harmful to a relationship, and this is also the time when someone else is most likely to seem attractive, so Rat people, you must be more careful with your affections, treat your partner frankly, and increase communication in order to maintain the stability of your relationship.

Chinese Zodiac Love Compatibility Calculator

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Wealth — Rats’ 2023 Projection

Rats' Horoscope 2023/2022: Monthly Lucky Prediction (2)

In 2023, Rat people, your financial projection has an upward trend as a whole. Although there is a risk of bankruptcy, fortunately, you Rat people are resourceful and therefore can get out of trouble and reap full rewards by relying on your skills.

However, it should be noted that when it comes to speculative wealth, you Rat people should be more cautious, because there is a risk of bankruptcy, so when facing various investment and financial opportunities, you should take a more circ*mspect approach than before. If you invest blindly, it will be difficult to recover the losses.

In addition, in terms of financial outlay, compared with last year's expenditure, your costs will increase a lot. Affected by the "big drain" of a malefic star, Rat people, you will have a lot of unnecessary expenditures this year, resulting in spending money like flowing water.

It is recommended that you do some financial planning this year, check your expenses regularly, and try to save unnecessary outlay, so as to keep expenditure in line with income, and save more for eventualities.

Health — Rats’ 2023Prognosis

In 2023, Rats, your overall health prognosis has a downward trend. This year, Rat people, you should pay special attention to your own health. If you feel unwell, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

At the same time, Rat people, you should strengthen your physical fitness a lot. Good choices include taking a walk after meals or going to a park early for some exercise.

Rat people who already suffer from chronic diseases or old ailments, you should pay be attentive to ay deterioration, and go to the doctor/hospital for regular check-ups, take medicines on time, eat more nutritious food, and never eat a full meal, so as not to damage the stomach.

Year-of-the-Rabbit People’s 2023Monthly Horoscope

In popular Chinese astrology, a Chinese zodiac sign's horoscope and monthly predictions are dated according to the Chinese lunar calendar. As such, Rats, your 2023 horoscope starts from January 22nd, 2023 (Chinese New Year) and ends on February 9th, 2024 (Chinese New Year’s Eve).

Your horoscope below covers months 1–12 of the Chinese lunar calendar for 2023, and Gregorian calendar dates have been given for reference.

Rats’ Month 1 Horoscope (Jan. 22 – Feb. 19, 2023)

Rat people, your horoscope is better this month 1, especially in terms of wealth.

Rat people in the workplace, you will gain a lot this month, and your end-of-year bonus or extra-performance commission will be a significant amount.

Rat people who are starting your own business, your orders this month are predicted to skyrocket, and your company will reap huge benefits.

In terms of relationship, single Rat people, you will meet your ideal person. If you are already getting along well with someone, you are should move towards marriage.

Rats’ Month 2 Horoscope (Feb. 20 – Mar. 21, 2023)

Compared with the previous month, Rat people your prospects in month 2 show a downward trend, especially in terms of romantic fortune.

During this period, you Rat people will often be busy with work, ignoring concern for your other half. Especially for you Rat people who already have a partner, there will be disputes between the two of you, and you are destined to fall into a cold war situation. It is suggested that you should learn to control your emotions this month and not be too impulsive.

In 2023, an extra lunar month 2 (Mar. 22 – Apr. 19)occurs after the standard month 2 in the Chinese calendar. For Chinese astrology purposes, this makes month 2 twice as long, which is a bad thing for Rats in 2023, as month 2’s generally troubling predictions go on for an extra 29 days!

Rats’ Month 3 Horoscope (Apr. 20 – May 18, 2023)

In the third month of the lunar calendar, the overall fortunes for you Rat people will continue to go downhill, especially in terms of wealth.

This month, Rat people, you run the risk of bankruptcy. It is recommended that you be extra cautious when choosing financial products, and do not blindly follow the trends.

In addition, pay attention to personal safety when going out, and do not play with mobile phones while walking to avoid traffic accidents, resulting in injury and financial loss. You also need to take care of your belongings to avoid them being stolen by thieves.

Rats’ Month 4 Horoscope (May 19 – Jun. 17, 2023)

This month 4, career fortunes for you Rat people take on an upward trend. Rat people in the workplace, you will be appreciated by your leaders, and will take the lead in many projects and soon win a promotion and/or salary increase.

However, it will be necessary to beware of being defamed by villains. Once you perform well at work, there will be small-minded people talking behind your back. If this occurs, it is suggested that, people born in a year of the Rat, you should ignore it, and just do your job well.

Rats’ Month 5 Horoscope (Jun. 18 – Jul. 17, 2023)

Rat people, your luck is set to continue on an upward trend this month 5, especially in terms of wealth. After the promotion and salary increase last month, there will be a big increase in wealth this month, and your income will have doubled compared to a comparable time in the past. When taking into account the commissions and dividends of various projects, Rats, your salary this month will be very considerable.

Rats’ Month 6 Horoscope (Jul. 18 – Aug. 15, 2023)

The romantic fortune of the Rat people will rise this month. For the single Rat people, this month will have a good luck in peach blossoms, and you will meet the person you like. In the process of getting along with each other, you find that the other person cares about youvery much. If the development goes well, the two are expected to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Rats’ Month 7 Horoscope (Aug. 16 – Sep. 14, 2023)

Rat people, this month 7, your outlook is relatively flat. No matter whether in work or life, you will not encounter any troubles, and your health should be relatively stable. This month will be very comfortable for you. Because of Tai Sui, Rat people, you are set to encounter various difficulties this year, but this month 7 will give you a buffer time, so you can stop and have a break, and at the same time let your mind relax.

Rats’ Month 8 Horoscope (Sep. 15 – Oct. 14, 2023)

This month 8, the astrology-divined life of you Rat people is fated to become very turbulent again due to the influence of Tai Sui.

Rat people suffering from old diseases, you should pay attention to preventing the recurrence of old conditions, seek medical examination and treatment rapidly when you feel unwell, and go to the hospital for any regular check-ups, and take any medicines prescribed when you should.

Women born in a year of the Rat, try not to go out at night this month, as there is a risk of traffic accidents.

Rats’ Month 9 Horoscope (Oct. 15 – Nov. 12, 2023)

Rats, this month 9, your luck begins a definite decline again, mainly reflected in your romantic fortunes.

Married Rats, due to being busy with work this month, it will be easy for you to ignore your relationship with your other half and lack time to spend with your family and children. If this is allowed to continue too long, there will be many conflicts between you as a couple, and even violent conflicts will break out.

At this time, Rat people, you must learn to look at problems from the perspective of the other half, and learn to communicate constructively, otherwise quarreling with the other party in ignorance will eventually lead to the breakdown of the marriage relationship.

Rats’ Month 10 Horoscope (Nov. 13 – Dec. 12, 2023)

The fortunes of you Rat people will rebound a little this month 10, but you will still need to pay attention to your health, especially you older Rats. You should pay attention to the regularity of your eating and rest this month, otherwise you will be prone to gastrointestinal diseases, which will cause burdensome damage to your body. Remember not to overeat, and it is recommended to eat warm and easily digestible food.

Rats’ Month 11 Horoscope (Dec. 13, 2023 – Jan. 10, 2024)

Rat people, your general outlook this month 11 is average. This month, you are predicted to feel very tired due to long-term busy work, plus dealing with trivial matters at home. Your whole being will become very depressed.

In terms of work, because your own development ideals are not in line with your company’s, you will have the idea of ​​leaving. You will need to think clearly at this time, and you must not be impulsive. It is recommended to calm down and make a good plan for your future.

Rats’ Month 12 Horoscope (Jan. 11 – Feb. 9, 2024)

Rat people, you should have an increase in your financial luck in this month 12. Whether you in business or in the workplace, you should go home with a lot of profit at the end of this zodiac year.

It should be noted that, with Chinese New Year approaching, you should take care of your important items when you go out, so as to avoid theft or loss.

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Year of the Rat People’s 2022 Monthly Predictions

Rats' Horoscope 2023/2022: Monthly Lucky Prediction (11)

In popular Chinese astrology, a Chinese zodiac sign's horoscope and monthly predictions are dated according to the Chinese lunar calendar. As such, Rats, your 2022 horoscope starts from February 1st, 2022 (Chinese New Year) and ends on January 21st, 2023 (Chinese New Year’s Eve).

Your horoscope below covers months 1–12 of the Chinese lunar calendar for 2022, and Gregorian calendar dates have been given for reference.

Rats’ Month 1 Horoscope (Feb. 1 – Mar. 2, 2022)

In the first month of this Year of the Tiger, Rat people, you will be under a lot of pressure at work. After hard work, you won't get corresponding rewards, although everyone can see your contribution.

It is recommended that you go out to relax and adjust your mentality before going to work. You must believe that after this busy period of dry days, fruitful results will eventually be ushered in.

Rats’ Month 2 Horoscope (Mar. 3 – Mar. 31, 2022)

Rat people, you will be busy at work again this month 2. You will have differences with your colleagues over some trivial matters, and you will not get along very well with them. You will often argue for a long time about superficial issues, thereby reducing work efficiency.

In addition, you will need to pay attention to your relationship with your partner. Don't quarrel because of misunderstandings, as this will affect your relationship. Calmly seek clarity.

Rats’ Month 3 Horoscope (Apr. 1 – Apr. 30, 2022)

Rats, your interpersonal relationships will gradually return to normal during this month 3.

There will be more socializing, and invitations to go out drinking with friends will become very frequent. Naturally, expenditure will increase. So, this month, you need to plan your spending accordingly to make ends meet.

It is not advisable to engage in any form of investment and financial management this month, otherwise you will lose part of your money.

Rats’ Month 4 Horoscope (May 1 – May 29, 2022)

Rat people, you will rarely see things going smoothly this month 4.

When career, wealth, and family are all relatively stable, you will need to seize the rare opportunity to be more aggressive at work, create more achievements, and get a greater salary.

However, it should be noted that there are omens of injury from metal this month. Rats who need to work with metal or motorists, you should be particularly vigilant this month. Don't let yourself get hurt.

Rats’ Month 5 Horoscope (May 30 – Jun. 28, 2022)

This month 5, Rats, your fortunes will begin to slowly decline again, making you feel helpless. When faced with a sudden difficult situation, you will need to think of a way to deal with it immediately, instead of feeling sad and powerless to problem solve.

It is not advisable to make major decisions this month. Instead, travel more often, which can help drive away some of the bad luck.

Rats’ Month 6 Horoscope (Jun. 29 – Jul. 28, 2022)

Rat people, you are at risk of bankruptcy this month 6, and so you should not make any financial investments.

In addition, Rat women who usually like to shop, you should pay attention to the management of the household finances this month. Try not to buy unnecessary things, or else you may not be able to make ends meet.

Rats’ Month 7 Horoscope (Jul. 29 – Aug. 26, 2022)

This month 7 will have a lot of social engagements in store for you, Rat people, especially if you are in the sales industry. You may be very busy and often traveling on business trips.

Pay attention to rest and exercise: only if you have a healthy body can you earn more money.

Rats’ Month 8 Horoscope (Aug. 27 – Sep. 25, 2022)

This month 8, noble benefactors will have a large role to play in your fortunes, Rats.

Coupled you’re your flexible mind this month, high work efficiency, and strong execution, with the help of wealthy backers, your overall performance will rise steadily, and your year-end bonus chances will also rise.

Rats’ Month 9 Horoscope (Sep. 26 – Oct. 24, 2022)

Wealth luck will continue to rise in month 9. Rats, investing in some stocks and funds may see good returns and gain you some wealth.

Single Rat people, there will be a hidden period of luck this month. If you can meet your “person”, there will be at a certain time when proactively confessing your love will meet with a greater chance of success.

But married Rat people, keep a distance from the opposite sex to avoid misunderstandings.

Rats’ Month 10 Horoscope (Oct. 25 – Nov. 23, 2022)

This month 10 is suitable for movement but not for quietness. Rat people should often go out and travel to drive away bad luck.

Rat businessmen, you should try to expand into overseas markets, which is expected to have good results.

This month, Rats, you need to be more concerned about your partner. Your busy work will often make you late home. Try to alleviate this as much as possible, so as not to cause dissatisfaction at home.

Rats’ Month 11 Horoscope (Nov. 24 – Dec. 22, 2022)

This month 11 will be marked by troubled interpersonal relations.

Rat people, you will be in a low mood and struggle to find the energy for anything, which will make family and friends very worried. In fact, everything will be in a deadlock. In the near future, you will slowly get out of the predicament. Then everything will develop in a good direction. So, don't let yourself be immersed in pessimism.

Rats’ Month 12 Horoscope (Dec. 23, 2022 – Jan. 21, 2023)

Rat people, you will have the intention of moving, or relocating your office, or purchasing new furniture this month. However, beware that your neighbors upstairs may have water leakage and noise problems, which may affect your family life.

Check Other Chinese Zodiac Signs' Horoscope 2023/2022












Rats' Horoscope 2023/2022: Monthly Lucky Prediction (2024)
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