Must-Know co*ke vs Pepsi Statistics [Latest Report] • Gitnux (2024)


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  • Last Updated: May 23, 2024

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Statistic 1

"In 2020, Coca Cola’s brand value was at 84.86 billion U.S. dollars, while PepsiCo’s brand value was at 70.9 billion U.S. dollars."

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Statistic 2

"According to a blind taste test conducted by Malcolm Gladwell, 57% of participants preferred Pepsi."

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Statistic 3

"50% of the population prefers co*ke, while 42% prefers Pepsi, according to YouGov poll data."

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Statistic 4

"In 2019, Coca-Cola had a market share of 43.7%, while Pepsi had a market share of 24.1% in the United States."

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Statistic 5

"Coca-Cola’s overall revenue in 2020 was 33.01 billion U.S. dollars, while PepsiCo’s revenue was 70.37 billion U.S. dollars."

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Statistic 6

"Coca-Cola sold about 418.4 billion litres of carbonated beverages in 2020, while Pepsi sold 310 billion litres."

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Statistic 7

"Coca-Cola has around 24.6 million followers on Twitter, whereas Pepsi has around 3.1 million followers."

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Statistic 8

"Coca-Cola owned 17.8% of the global carbonated soft drink market in 2019, while Pepsi owned 8.4%."

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Statistic 9

"co*ke Zero Sugar recorded a 3% growth in volume in 2019, while Pepsi’s Diet Pepsi recorded a decline by 0.5% during the same period."

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Statistic 10

"In 2020, Coca-Cola spent 4.02 billion U.S. dollars on advertising, while PepsiCo spent 6.87 billion U.S. dollars."

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Statistic 11

"Coca-Cola’s average daily trading volume is about 19 million shares, while PepsiCo’s average daily trading volume is about 5 million shares."

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Statistic 12

"Coca-Cola has 22 billion-dollar brands, while PepsiCo has 6 billion-dollar beverage brands."

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Statistic 13

"Coca-Cola operates in more than 200 countries, while PepsiCo operates in over 200 countries and territories."

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Statistic 14

"Coca-Cola has 6 “operating segments,” while PepsiCo has 7 “reportable segments”."

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Statistic 15

"Coca-Cola contains 34mg of caffeine per 12 oz can, while Pepsi contains 38mg of caffeine per 12 oz can."

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Must-Know co*ke vs Pepsi Statistics [Latest Report] • Gitnux (2024)


What percentage of people can tell the difference between co*ke and Pepsi? ›

Can you tell the difference between co*ke and Pepsi in a blind taste test? Most people say they can and have a preference for one brand or the other. However, research suggests that people can correctly identify a sample of one of these products only about 60 percent of the time.

Do people prefer co*ke or Pepsi stats? ›

Sixty-one percent of the participants stated that they preferred the co*ke brand whereas 25% stated that they preferred Pepsi brand. Also, 14% of people reported no strong personal preference for either one. These results are consistent with previous reports that the Coca-Cola brand is preferred to Pepsi (Figure 1a).

What is the #1 soda in Texas? ›

Dr. Pepper is the most popular soft drink in Texas.

What was the co*ke vs Pepsi experiment? ›

A savvy exec at Pepsi came up with a bold, revolutionary strategy to do just that. That idea was the Pepsi Challenge. Pepsi went inside malls around the country and invited people to do a blind taste test between co*ke and Pepsi. The results were remarkable; people picked Pepsi over co*ke significantly.

Why do people choose co*ke over Pepsi? ›

According to Psychology Today, 'you taste its price and many other aspects of the drink that do not register on the tongue. ' This is one of the arguments put forward as to why Coca-Cola sells more than Pepsi, even though on blind taste tests, Pepsi usually seems to win.

Which is sold more Pepsi or co*ke? ›

Since 2004, Coca-Cola Company has been the market leader, according to industry statistics. Pepsi ranks second, followed by Keurig Dr. Pepper.

Who is richer, Pepsi or co*ke? ›

At roughly $246 billion on Monday, Coca-Cola's market cap is more than $15 billion above PepsiCo's. Coca-Cola has long held the top spot in part due to its strong brand portfolio and record of sales growth.

In what states does Pepsi outsell co*ke? ›

Coca-Cola outsells Pepsi in most parts of the U.S., notable exceptions being central Appalachia, Montana, North Dakota, and Utah. In the city of Buffalo, New York, Pepsi outsells Coca-Cola by a two-to-one margin. Overall, Coca-Cola continues to outsell Pepsi in almost all areas of the world.

What sells best co*ke or Pepsi? ›

co*ke trademark brands (Coca-Cola, Diet co*ke, co*ke Zero Sugar and others) controlled 69% of the segment while Pepsi (Pepsi-Cola, Diet Pepsi and Pepsi Zero Sugar) captured 27%. Cola accounted for half of the $96 billion that U.S. consumers spent on all soft drinks in 2023, Beverage Digest figures show.

What soda do Mexicans drink the most? ›

In 2021, Coca Cola was the leading beverage brand in Mexico with over 1.2 billion Consumer Reach Points (CRP), followed by Pepsi, with 261 million CRP. Mexico has roughly 870 thousand points of sale of Coca-Cola FEMSA.

What soda do cowboys drink? ›

It's widely believed that root beer was first invented in the 1840s. It was mostly sold in syrup form at candy stores, but would also be offered as a fizzy drink at saloons, since it had small amounts of alcohol. So, yes, cowboys did drink root beer.

What is co*ke called in Texas? ›

And “co*ke” (which is used not only to describe the actual Coca-Cola brand but all types of soda in general) is used by people in Texas, South Carolina, Mississippi and Georgia.

Who won the co*ke Pepsi War? ›

While co*ke wins for taste and perceived caffeine levels, amid the pandemic, PepsiCo fared far better than its rival. (Schwartz 2020) With restaurants, movie theaters, and sports stadiums closed, Coca-Cola's sales dropped 28%. Meanwhile, PepsiCo's sales have stayed flat—kept afloat by loyal Frito-Lay snackers.

What was invented first co*ke or Pepsi? ›

co*ke was the first soda ever created back in 1886. Then, in 1898, a rivalry that would span decades was born as soon as Pepsi hit the market. Today, each brand has a strong and distinct presence thanks to individual marketing strategies that make them obviously different from one another.

Why is Coca-Cola healthier than Pepsi? ›

Pepsi contains citric acid, while co*ke does not. Pepsi also has slightly more sugar, calories, and caffeine while co*ke has a tiny edge in sodium. With ingredients that match so closely, neither has an edge as being any healthier than the other. co*ke has had a slight edge over Pepsi from the beginning.

Can people tell the difference between Coca-Cola and Pepsi? ›

He goes on, “Pepsi is also characterized by a citrusy flavor burst, unlike the more raisiny-vanilla taste of co*ke.” Those observations are in line with the ingredients. Pepsi contains citric acid, while co*ke does not. Pepsi also has slightly more sugar, calories, and caffeine while co*ke has a tiny edge in sodium.

What is more common co*ke or Pepsi? ›

co*ke trademark brands (Coca-Cola, Diet co*ke, co*ke Zero Sugar and others) controlled 69% of the segment while Pepsi (Pepsi-Cola, Diet Pepsi and Pepsi Zero Sugar) captured 27%. Cola accounted for half of the $96 billion that U.S. consumers spent on all soft drinks in 2023, Beverage Digest figures show.

Who drinks more co*ke or Pepsi? ›

In 2022, Coca-Cola was ranked as the leading carbonated soft drink (CSD) company in the United States with a volume share of 46.3 percent. Ranked second, PepsiCo garnered a volume share of 24.7 percent that year.

Do more people buy co*ke or Pepsi? ›

While the two soft drink behemoths control a combined 71% of the U.S. carbonated beverages industry, co*ke's share is nearly 20% higher than Pepsi's, 46.3% to 24.7%. In terms of perception, I bet the breakdown is about the same; two of out of every three people probably prefer co*ke. But when comparing co*ke vs.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

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Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.