How to Get an FHA Construction Loan in 2024 (2024)

Can you build a house with an FHA loan?

With an FHA construction loan, you have the flexibility to buy a parcel of land, build a home from scratch, finance a permanent mortgage on the completed home, or even purchase and renovate a fixer-upper, all with a single loan.

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While there are two types of FHA construction loans, both are three-in-one mortgage products that streamline the home building process by consolidating it into one loan, saving time, hassle, and expenses.

However, these loans might be challenging to find, and they often have stricter requirements compared to traditional FHA loans, making it important to understand what to expect before applying.

In this article (Skip to...)

  • FHA construction-to-permanent loan
  • FHA 203(k) loan
  • How to get an FHA construction loan
  • Loan requirements
  • Lenders
  • Interest rates
  • Alternatives
  • FAQ

What is an FHA construction loan?

An FHA construction loan is a type of government-backed mortgage designed to help borrowers finance the home construction of a new home or the substantial renovation of an existing property. These loans are insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), which protects mortgage lenders against defaults, making it easier for borrowers with lower credit scores and smaller down payments to qualify for financing.

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FHA construction loans offer a unique solution for borrowers who want to build or significantly renovate their homes, as they provide a single loan and single closing that covers both the home construction phase and the permanent mortgage. This streamlined approach simplifies the financing process and can make it more accessible for borrowers who may not qualify for conventional construction loans.

How does an FHA construction loan work?

FHA construction loans are disbursed in stages as the construction project progresses. The lender will typically divide the loan amount into several draws, which are released to the borrower or the contractor upon completion of specific milestones in the construction process.

During the construction phase, the borrower is usually only required to make interest payments on the portion of the loan that has been disbursed. This can help keep monthly payments lower during the construction period, which can be especially beneficial for borrowers who are also paying rent or an existing mortgage.

Once construction is complete and the home passes a final inspection, the FHA construction loan is converted into a permanent mortgage. At this point, the borrower begins making regular principal and interest payments on the loan, just like they would with a traditional mortgage.

Throughout the construction process, the FHA provides oversight to ensure that the project meets certain quality and safety standards. This oversight helps protect both the borrower and the lender and ensures that the home being constructed or renovated is a sound investment.

Types of FHA construction loans

There are two types of FHA construction loans, each designed to make homeownership more accessible, especially for first-time home buyers.

FHA construction-to-permanent loan

The FHA construction-to-permanent loan is a hybrid that combines the elements of a short-term construction loan with a traditional FHA mortgage. This versatile loan can be used to acquire land and finance construction costs. This is also known as a one-time or single-close loan; you won’t have to pay closing costs for two separate loans.

It works as a construction loan at first, but when the building is finished, it converts smoothly into a permanent mortgage. This transformation eliminates the need for a second closing, simplifying the process for the borrower. This loan type is ideal for new construction real estate projects.

FHA 203(k) loan

The FHA 203(k) loan is designed for the purchase and renovation of existing homes. This rehab loan type is especially beneficial for buying fixer-uppers or upgrading your current home. It allows borrowers to include the costs of minor repairs (a minimum of $5,000) or significant renovations in their total loan amount.

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The 203(k) program is divided into two options:

  1. Limited 203(k) for projects under $35,000
  2. Standard 203(k) for larger-scale renovations

The standard 203(k) loan requires a HUD-approved consultant to oversee the project, ensuring proper execution and compliance with FHA guidelines. This renovation loan is a powerful tool for transforming an existing home into your dream space​, whether you’re purchasing a new property or updating your current residence.

How to get an FHA construction loan in 4 steps

The FHA construction-to-permanent loan basically involves four steps, according to Money Avenue co-founder and president A. Donahue Baker.

“First, you get qualified by an approved lender. Then, your builder and general contractor get qualified for the loan. Next, your home design plans get qualified for the loan. Lastly, you close on the loan and begin the process of building your dream home.”

— A. Donahue Baker, mortgage expert.
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1. Find the land you’ll build on

When it comes to purchasing land, you have several options:

  1. You can use vacant land you already own that is fully paid off.
  2. You can buy land with an existing loan from a bank or private party, with the remaining balance to be paid off at closing.
  3. You can place land under contract, with the payment to be completed at closing.

“The land should not require a teardown of the property or have multiple properties on it,” cautions Richie Duncan, senior loan officer with Nationwide Home Loans Group.

2. Get prequalified or preapproved for financing

Before you can finalize your budget and building plans, you need to get prequalified or preapproved with a fha-approved lender. The prequalification process will determine how much you qualify for and what your lender’s borrowing limits are.

“If you don’t have the land and builder chosen yet, your prequalification or preapproval could expire and market conditions like interest rates increasing could heavily reduce the amount you can borrow,” Duncan notes.

So, you might want to have a contractor selected even before you begin the mortgage process.

But understand you won’t know how much you’re approved to borrow — or even if you qualify — until you’ve spoken with an FHA construction loan-approved lender.

3. Hire a builder and finalize plans

You can begin the process without having yet picked a builder. But the builder you select must be willing to work with the FHA construction loan program. “Not every builder will,” says Mushlin.

You’ll want to pick a builder that’s worked with the FHA construction program before, if possible, as this could help the process go smoothly and avoid any major issues.

4. Complete the loan process and begin construction

After your land and builder contracts are agreed to, an appraisal can be ordered to determine the property’s forecasted value based on a completed home.

“During this time, your credit will be evaluated and your land and builder contracts will be underwritten and approved. Your lender will also confirm that homeowners insurance is in place, set up your title, and calculate all final numbers for underwriting,” Duncan says.

“Once the underwriters sign off, the construction team then signs off, the documents are drawn, and you go to closing.”

After the loan closes, home construction can begin.

Funds from the loan will be kept in an escrow account, and your contractor will be paid in installments as each construction phase is completed.

FHA construction loan requirements

Several rules apply to FHA construction-to-permanent loans, including requirements for the borrower, the property, and the contractor. These FHA construction loan requirements ensure that all parties meet the necessary standards for a successful construction project.

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Borrower eligibility requirements

Down payment of at least 3.5%

This is the minimum down payment for FHA construction loans. A higher down payment may be required depending on your credit score and other factors.

Minimum FICO score for construction loan: 580-640

Technically, 580 is the minimum fico score for construction loan. However, Mushlin says that in his experience, a higher credit score of at least 640 is usually needed for the FHA construction-to-permanent loan program.

Good credit history

You must not have experienced bankruptcy in the last two years. Other negative credit events, such as foreclosures or collections, may also impact your eligibility.

Debt-to-income ratio (DTI) below 43%

That means your monthly debts — including future mortgage payments — don’t take up more than 43% of your monthly pre-tax income. A lower DTI may be required depending on your credit score and other factors.

Two verified years of employment and income

For W-2 borrowers, that means the last 60 days of pay stubs, the last two years of W-2s, and your last two annual tax returns. Self-employed borrowers will need to provide the last two years of full personal and business tax returns as well as all tax schedules involved.

Mortgage insurance premiums (MIP)

In addition, all FHA borrowers are required to pay mortgage insurance premium (MIP), which protects the lender in case of foreclosure.

FHA MIP has an upfront cost equal to 1.75% of the loan amount (which can be rolled into the mortgage) as well as an annual charge typically equal to 0.85% of the loan amount and paid monthly.

However, homeowners can refinance later to cancel mortgage insurance and lower their monthly payments once they have reached 20% equity in their home.

Property requirements

Eligible property types

The types of homes eligible to be built with an FHA construction loan include single-family homes, condominium units in approved projects or legal phases, and manufactured homes. The home must be owner-occupied as your primary residence. And, the property must be located in an FHA-approved area.

FHA loan limits

Your total loan amount can’t be higher than your county’s maximum loan limit. In 2024, most counties have a max borrowing limit of $.

Mandatory property inspections

FHA construction loans require thorough inspections to ensure the property meets all necessary standards and regulations. These inspections must be carried out by qualified professionals at various stages of the construction process.

“There is a requirement that inspections be performed by ICC-certified inspectors or a third party who is a registered architect or structural engineer,” says J. Keith Baker, chair of curriculum for Mortgage Banking and Financial Services at Dallas College.

Contractor requirements

FHA approval of contractors

The FHA must approve of your chosen licensed contractors, who are required to have needed licensure, liability insurance, and a minimum of two years of experience building homes.

New construction warranty

You must also receive a new construction warranty from the builder. This warranty protects you against defects in materials and workmanship for a specified period after the home is built.

Any remaining funds after construction ends must be applied directly toward your loan principal — you can’t keep them as cash-back.

FHA construction loan lenders

Finding FHA construction-to-permanent loans and FHA-approved lenders offering these loans can be challenging. Additionally, “Finding a lender that will process these loans quickly, efficiently, and is staffed with a full team is even rarer,” says Mushlin with

“Finding a lender that will process these loans quickly, efficiently, and is staffed with a full team is even rarer.”

— Brandon Mushlin with
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To streamline your search, visit the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) website to search for FHA lenders. Although, keep in mind that not all FHA-approved lenders offer FHA construction loans.

When seeking an FHA construction loan, patience and willingness to shop around for the right mortgage lenders is essential. While the process may be more complex than obtaining a traditional construction loan, those who persevere can reap significant benefits. To increase your chances of success, research lenders thoroughly, gather all necessary documentation, and be prepared to provide detailed information about your construction project.

FHA construction loan interest rates

Interest rates for FHA construction-to-permanent loans are generally higher than rates for other loan types. “Typically, borrowers often see rates around 2% to 4% higher [than current mortgage rates],” says Duncan. In comparison, the rate on a conventional construction loan might be approximately 1% higher than market rates.

“Interest rates for these FHA loans can also fluctuate based on the creditworthiness of the borrower and other factors.”

— Julie Aargon with Aragon Lending team
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Julie Aragon, Julie Aragon, CEO and founder of the Julie Aragon Lending Team, explains that mortgage lenders view these loans as a greater risk because the home, which normally serves as collateral, does not yet exist. “Interest rates for these FHA loans can also fluctuate based on the creditworthiness of the borrower and other factors,” she adds.

To secure the best interest rate on your FHA construction loan, focus on improving your credit score, reducing your debt-to-income ratio, and saving for a larger down payment. Shopping around and comparing offers from multiple lenders can also help you find the most competitive rates and terms for your specific situation.

Pros and cons of FHA construction loans

Before deciding on an FHA construction loan, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. Here’s what you should know about the benefits and limitations of FHA construction loans.

“This loan is designed to combat the more costly and cumbersome traditional construction loan program.”

— Brandon Mushlin with

Advantages of FHA construction loans

  • Lenient credit score requirements: The FHA construction loan is accommodating for borrowers with lower credit scores, accepting a minimum credit score of 500 with a 10% down payment. For scores of 580 or higher, which is the minimum FICO score for most FHA construction loans, the down payment requirement drops to 3.5%.
  • Simplified one-time close construction loan: FHA offers a one-time close construction loan, reducing the complexity and costs associated with multiple closings typical in traditional mortgage loan processes.
  • Versatility in construction projects: These loans support a variety of projects, from new constructions with the FHA construction-to-permanent loan to renovations under the FHA 203(k) program. FHA land loans are also available for purchasing land for future construction projects.

“This loan is designed to combat the more costly and cumbersome traditional construction loan program,” says Mushlin

“Otherwise, you’d have to deal with separate loans for the land buy, home construction, and mortgage, which would involve separate paperwork and closing costs. An FHA construction loan simplifies matters by combining it all in one underwriting process,” Mushlin explains.

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Drawbacks to consider

  • Mandatory mortgage insurance: All FHA mortgages, including the FHA one-time close construction loan, require both upfront and annual mortgage insurance premiums for the life of the loan, until the loan is paid in full, or refinanced into another loan type.
  • Borrowing limits: The FHA sets annual loan limits, which in 2023 cap at $472,030 for most areas, with higher limits in certain high-cost regions. These FHA loan limits apply to all FHA loans, including FHA construction loans.
  • Stricter requirements: Compared to other types of loans, FHA construction loans often have more stringent requirements, like specific health and safety conditions in FHA appraisals, which are not typically a concern with conventional loans.
  • Requirement for licensed contractor: FHA construction loans mandate the use of a licensed contractor, which can limit flexibility in choosing builders and potentially increase project costs.

FHA construction loan alternatives

While FHA construction loans offer many benefits, they may not be the best fit for every borrower. Fortunately, there are several alternatives to consider, each with its own advantages and target audience.

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Conventional construction loan

Conventional construction loans are a popular choice for borrowers with strong credit and a larger down payment. These loans typically require a credit score of 680 or higher and a down payment of at least 20%. Conventional construction loans may offer more flexibility in terms of contractor choice and project scope compared to FHA loans.

HomeStyle Renovation loan

Fannie Mae’s HomeStyle Renovation loan is a conventional loan that allows borrowers to finance both the purchase and renovation of a home with a single loan. This loan is ideal for borrowers who want to buy a fixer-upper or make significant improvements to an existing home. HomeStyle Renovation loans have similar credit and down payment requirements to conventional loans.

Freddie Mac renovation loan programs

Freddie Mac offers two renovation loan programs: the CHOICERenovation® loan and the CHOICEReno eXPressSM mortgage. The CHOICERenovation® loan is similar to Fannie Mae’s HomeStyle Renovation loan, allowing borrowers to finance both the purchase and renovation of a home. The CHOICEReno eXPressSM mortgage is designed for smaller renovation projects and offers a streamlined process for faster approval and funding.

VA construction loan

The Department of Veterans Affairs offers VA construction loans to eligible military service members, veterans, and their families. These loans offer competitive interest rates, no down payment requirement, and no private mortgage insurance. VA construction loans can be used for new construction, home improvements, and even the purchase of land.

USDA construction loan

USDA construction loans are designed for low- to moderate-income borrowers in eligible rural areas. These loans offer 100% financing, low interest rates, and flexible credit requirements. USDA construction loans can be used for new construction, home improvements, and the purchase of land in designated rural areas.

State and local programs

Many states and local governments offer their own construction loan programs, often with the goal of promoting homeownership and community development. These programs may have unique features, such as down payment assistance, tax credits, or special financing options. Researching state and local programs can help borrowers find additional resources and support for their construction projects.

FAQ: What is an FHA construction loan?

Can an FHA loan be used to build a house?

Yes, an FHA construction loan can be used to build a new home. The FHA construction-to-permanent loan is specifically designed for this purpose, allowing borrowers to finance the land purchase, construction costs, and lender fees with a single loan. Once construction is complete, the loan automatically converts to a permanent mortgage, eliminating the need for a second closing.

What is the difference between an FHA construction loan and a conventional construction loan?

The main differences between an FHA construction loan and a conventional construction loan are that FHA loans are government-backed, have more lenient credit requirements, and require lower down payments, while conventional loans are privately funded and have stricter qualifying criteria.

What does my credit score need to be for an FHA construction loan?

The minimum credit score required is 500 if you can make a 10% down payment. For a lower down payment of 3.5%, a credit score of 580 or higher is needed. The qualifying credit score is the lowest median score in case of multiple borrowers, and the middle score for individual applicants.

What is the maximum DTI for a FHA construction loan?

The maximum debt-to-income ratio (DTI) for an FHA construction loan is typically 43%. This means that your total monthly debt payments, including your future mortgage, should not exceed 43% of your gross monthly income. However, in some cases, borrowers with compensating factors, such as a large down payment or significant cash reserves, may be approved with a higher DTI.

What is the maximum loan amount for an FHA construction loan?

The maximum loan amount for an FHA construction loan is generally $. However that limit varies based on the county in which the property is located. FHA loan limits are determined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and are reviewed and set annually, effective from January 1 each year​.

Explore your construction loan options

Ready to explore your construction loan options? Click on the links below to check your eligibility and compare rates from multiple mortgage lenders.

Finding the right loan for your dream home build or renovation project is just a click away.

Discover the possibilities and take the first step towards turning your vision into reality today.

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How to Get an FHA Construction Loan in 2024 (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

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