13 Small House Design Principles (The Illustrated Guide) (2024)

13 Small House Design Principles (The Illustrated Guide) (1) Matthew James Taylor


3 Jan 2022 — Updated 15 Jan 2023

Table of contents

  • Vary Ceiling Heights
  • Extend Lines of Sight
  • Optimize Energy Flow
  • Define Clear Zones of Use
  • Build Up, Not Out
  • Make Spaces Multifunctional
  • Don’t Make Everything Small
  • Do More With Less
  • Build-in Custom Furniture
  • Minimize Hallways
  • Use Smaller Appliances
  • Maximize Natural Light
  • Utilize Outdoor Living Space

This is a list of the best small house design principles that architects use to design small spaces that feel big.

If you struggle to make small designs work efficiently, then you will love this post! You can use these tricks to get maximum value from your available space, no matter how small your home is.

Let’s get started.

Here are the top 13 small house design principles:

1. Vary Ceiling Heights

Tiny houses normally need some rooms to be compact, but that doesn’t mean they have to feel small. One secret to maximizing space is to vary ceiling heights between rooms.

In a small room, try raising the ceiling height to add a vertical dimension to the space. Extra headroom can make a small room feel bigger without increasing the floor area.

High ceilings can also be used as a wow factor, particularly when you enter via a room with a lower ceiling.

In a large room, you can afford to lower the ceiling to the minimum allowable height without making the space feel too small. This trick can add a few inches of extra height to your level above.

By playing with ceiling heights you can make small spaces feel bigger or add extra space to other levels. By picking a variety of heights you can maintain a comfortable sense of space in rooms of any size, plus a journey through your home can be a more interesting one.

2. Extend Lines of Sight

One secret to making space feel bigger is to extend lines of sight further than the room boundaries.

This works because of a neat psychological trick; When you see beyond the walls, you can feel less enclosed by them, and your sense of space increases.

One of the best ways to extend lines of sight is with windows, but where you place the opening can make a big difference to your sense of space.

A window in the middle of a wall allows you to look out, but the extents of the room can still feel largely unchanged.

Instead, try placing full-height windows down either side of a wall. Edge and corner windows can visually break the enclosing structure of a rectangular room and create a greater illusion of space.

This same principle can work for high windows that run along the ceiling and also low windows at floor level.

Make an entire wall of glass to take this idea even further.

Try using edge-to-edge glass sliding doors to open onto a balcony or backyard deck, this will make your outside space feel like it’s part of the room. This effect is most convincing when the side surfaces of the room are uninterrupted by the window frame, so inset window frames flush to the floor, walls, and ceiling if you can.

But windows don’t have to be external.

Add windows between internal rooms to create more visual space. For example, a bedroom can feel much bigger when it has overhead windows that open onto a neighboring hallway.

The best thing about this internal window trick is it works both ways, the hallway can feel bigger too!

3. Optimize Energy Flow

Awkward spaces can destroy the utility of a tiny house and make spaces feel constricted. To overcome this feeling, remove any kinks from your design to allow for an unrestricted flow of energy.

Here are some tricks you can use to achieve this:

Use clean, flowing lines for the main walking paths through your house.

Avoid walkways that intersect a room diagonally as this will limit furniture placement to awkward triangular areas.

Allow extra space at intersections and doorways so people can pass each other easily.

Separate frequently-accessed items so multiple people can use them at once without bumping into one another. For example, in the kitchen, your fridge, stovetop, and sink should ideally form points on a triangle. This is often referred to as the kitchen work triangle but I prefer to call it the Kitchen Work Heart because the kitchen is the heart of the home.

Opt for open plan living. With fewer walls, your space can feel less boxed in and restricted.

By smoothing out the energy flow within a house and removing awkward kinks, you can create a space that’s a pleasure to live in regardless of its size.

Learn more about the benefits of open plan and semi-open plan living spaces and see which is best for you.

4. Define Clear Zones of Use

Open plan living spaces that are not well designed can contain gaps that are difficult to use. By clearly defining zones of use within a room, you can eliminate ambiguous areas and ensure that every inch of space has a useful purpose.

Here are some tricks for creating well-defined zones of use:

Change of flooring

To highlight a change of zone, try using different flooring materials. For example, change from timber to tiles, or for a more flexible method, rugs can achieve the same result.

You can also change the floor level. Try creating a step up or down when entering another zone.

Change of ceiling height

Some rooms can have lower ceilings, such as kitchens, try lowering your kitchen ceiling to differentiate it from the remainder of your open plan living space.

Add a loft space above your kitchen and you can effectively double the usable space at the same time.

Kitchen cabinetry

You can clearly define where your kitchen ends with the layout of your cabinets.

A breakfast bar, perpendicular to a side wall, can draw an imaginary line across the room, signaling the edge of a kitchen. Or line up the ends of benches on both sides of the room so they communicate a consistent 'end of zone'.

Furniture placement

Careful placement of furniture can help to divide a space into specific zones of use.

One of the best examples is with couches. You can place a couch in the middle of a room and the back of the couch can clearly define the boundary of the lounge area. This works great for straight and corner couches.

5. Build Up, Not Out

If you only have a small area of land to build on and you need more space, the cheapest way to go is up!

By adding additional stories, it’s possible to create a fully functional home on a painfully small footprint. For excessively tiny sites, you can even make use of one room per level.

This concept of ‘building up’ can also be utilized within rooms. A loft can add a layer of usable space without requiring an extra story.

The best thing about loft spaces is they avoid the design restrictions that normally apply to rooms, this is because they are not considered habitable space.

Lofts are free to use lower ceiling heights, this makes them perfect for non-standing activities like sleeping, storage, kids play areas, or seating.

Another benefit with lofts is they don’t require full stairs. A ladder is a perfectly acceptable method of accessing a loft space plus ladders take up much less room than stairs. Ladders can also be movable, making your space even more versatile.

By thinking in three dimensions and designing with more height it’s possible to squeeze even more value out of your space.

6. Make Spaces Multifunctional

When space is limited, one secret to fitting more in is to give multiple uses to each space... Enter multifunctional design.

Here are a few examples.

Can’t fit both a lounge room and a dining area? Why not use a transformable coffee table and folding chairs to make the one space do both jobs.

Can’t fit both a home office and a bedroom? Try lifting your bed into a sleeping loft to make room for a work area underneath. Or try using a fold-up Murphy Bed to save space during the day.

No room for a laundry? Place a combo washer-dryer under your kitchen bench and use a large kitchen sink that can double as a laundry tub.

By doubling (or tripling) the functions of each space in your home, you can fit everything you need, even in a limited area.

7. Don’t Make Everything Small

It’s tempting to make everything compact in a small house so you can include as much as possible, but this is a big mistake.

A small house should never feel claustrophobic.

13 Small House Design Principles (The Illustrated Guide) (12)

For a small house to feel comfortable, you need at least one generously sized area where you can feel free to stretch out and relax.

Jay Shafer often cited as the founder of the tiny house movement, captures this idea perfectly in his Tumbleweed house designs. Jay’s small house plans almost always include a ‘great room’ that is much more spacious than the other utility areas.

A great room, with an ample floor area, is also a flexible space that can be used for many different activities such as guest sleeping or yoga.

But it’s not just rooms that shouldn’t always be small.

You can include one or two large fixtures to make a small space feel bigger such as a generously sized kitchen sink or a big picture window.

A small house with a full-sized bath can be another spacious place to relax in luxury.

8. Do More With Less

With a small house, quality is much more important than quantity.

Don’t force things to fit when it causes them to feel subpar, squashed, or unloved. Instead, I recommend making some hard choices and only including things that can be given the space that they deserve.

If every room is a joy to use then your whole house will be a pleasure to live in.

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The overall feeling of your home comes from the sum of all its parts, so if every room is a joy to use then your whole house will be a pleasure to live in.

9. Build-in Custom Furniture

In tiny rooms, you can utilize limited space more effectively by replacing freestanding furniture with custom, built-in fixtures.

Here are some examples:

Use the awkward space under your staircase for storage with an assortment of cupboards, shelves, and draws of different shapes.

Replace wardrobes with built-in closets to add extra storage right up to your ceiling.

Install a cafe-style bench seat or booth and gain additional under-seat storage in your dining area.

10. Minimize Hallways

There is nothing inherently wrong with hallways, but in a small house, they tend to be an ineffective use of your valuable space.

Every square foot of hallway that you eliminate becomes part of another room where the space can often be put to greater use.

13 Small House Design Principles (The Illustrated Guide) (14)

Here are my favorite tricks to reduce hallways.

  • Move bedrooms upstairs and make the ground floor open plan living space, this eliminates the need for a hall past a bedroom to access the front door.

  • Access bedrooms directly from the living space. If privacy is of concern, then a small alcove can be used to block direct lines of sight into a room.

  • Place stairs in the center of the house so hallways are not needed past one bedroom to access another. This is especially useful within narrow buildings because it allows rooms to be the full width of the house.

Can't eliminate your hallway? Use my tricks to make your hallway a multifunctional space instead, see my article for details Hallways: Are They a Waste of Space?

11. Use Smaller Appliances

When every inch of space matters, it can sometimes be beneficial to use slightly smaller appliances and fixtures to create a little extra room.

In a small house with fewer occupants, you may not need the biggest sized appliances anyway.

  • Buy a narrower fridge, or a bar fridge to create extra bench space in your kitchen.

  • Install a single drawer dishwasher and gain a cupboard underneath.

  • Use a washer / dryer combo unit that takes up half the space.

12. Maximize Natural Light

Rooms flooded with natural light can feel bigger and inviting so it's a good idea to add as many windows as possible in a small house.

Natural sunlight also reduces your lighting costs and if you incorporate a passive solar design then you can save money on heating and cooling all year round.

If you have a dark room deep within your house, try exposing sunlight via one of these clever window alternatives:

  • Skylights
  • Light tubes
  • Fiber optics
  • Light wells
  • Internal windows
  • Mirrors
  • Glass floors

13. Utilize Outdoor Living Space

When the weather is good, a well-designed outdoor entertaining area can add valuable living space to a small house.

I learned the true value of outside living when I bought my first house in 2006.

It was an old terrace house with an attic conversion, barely 13 feet wide (4.2m) and the land was only 947 square feet (88 square meters). There was only one super-tiny living space and the kitchen was practically nonexistent. It was extremely small, but I loved it.

On the day we moved in, we quickly discovered that it was impossible to get our couch inside, our doors were only 31 inches wide (80cm) and the couch did not disassemble. So while we figured out what to do, we placed the couch outside, under the backyard awning.

And that’s where it stayed!

Our inside living space became a dedicated dining area and our backyard turned into an amazing garden lounge room. It was unorthodox, but the climate in Sydney, Australia meant that we could enjoy the space for at least 10 months of the year.

Another unintended side effect of the arrangement was just how much time we spent gardening. Every time we sat on that couch we looked at the garden, we noticed plants that needed tending to, and we pottered around creating a beautiful outside garden room.


A small house is not a problem, it’s an opportunity to get creative.

I encourage you to experiment with these design principles and to master the art of maximizing space in tiny houses. With a bit of perseverance, you can create a truly unique home that will be a pleasure to live in no matter how small it is.

Want to know how small houses can save you money? Read my article on the benefits of small houses to learn just how many ways they can help you to save.

How big is a small house exactly? Find out here: Small House Definition.

13 Small House Design Principles (The Illustrated Guide) (2024)


How many square feet is considered a small house? ›

In short, yes, a 1,000 sq. ft. house plan is small; it's just under half the size of the average American home size (around 2,333 sq. ft.).

What square footage is considered a tiny house? ›

What Qualifies As A Tiny House? Although tiny houses seem pretty self-explanatory, they're more specifically defined as any home that falls under a maximum of 500 square feet. They can also be built on either a mobile platform or a permanent house foundation.

How can I make my small house look amazing? ›

10 Best Small House Design Ideas
  1. Implementing innovative storage solutions.
  2. Using Foldable and Collapsible Furniture.
  3. Installing Multipurpose Furniture and appliances.
  4. Instilling Mirrors In Strategic Positions.
  5. Use Wall Mounted Furniture.
  6. Explore Vertical Interior Design Plans.
  7. Install Sliding Doors and Windows.

What is the smallest size house I can build? ›

The IRC codes require that all homes must be built on a minimum of 320 square feet. The minimum square footage for a house is 120 square feet, and at least one room must be habitable. Habitable rooms meet other regulations, such as needing a closet and at least one window.

Is 900 sq ft considered a tiny house? ›

What are “Tiny” Homes? Any home that is 400 square feet or less is usually known as a tiny home; most tiny homes sit in the 100-250 sq ft range.

Is 1500 sq ft house too small? ›

For many, a 1,500 square foot house might seem like a small home, but you can still fit in 2-3 bedrooms, making it the ideal house for a couple or small family.

What is the difference between a small house and a tiny house? ›

A tiny home is viewed as a space consisting of 100 square feet to 400 square feet. Some tiny homes are less than 100 square feet and can include up to 500 square feet. But a small home is a bit larger and ranges from 400 square feet to approximately 1,000 square feet.

What are the three negative features of a tiny house? ›

Pros and Cons of Tiny House Living
  • Pro: You Can Travel With Your Home. ...
  • Con: Storage Space is Limited. ...
  • Con: You Sacrifice Full-Size Appliances. ...
  • Con: Your Home Layout May Not Be Ideal. ...
  • Con: You May Have to Compromise Bedroom Space. ...
  • Con: Traveling With a Tiny Home Can Require Extra Effort.

Is it cheaper to buy or build a tiny house? ›

The average cost of a tiny house is a reasonable $30,000 – $60,000, although they can cost as little as $8,000 or up to $150,000 depending on the amenities you choose to include. It's typically cheaper to build a tiny house than to buy one prebuilt, but don't get too caught up in the savings.

What makes a house look classy? ›

There are plenty of 'affordable' finishing touches which can make your home look and feel more luxurious – some of which can actually be free!
  1. Paint a feature wall. ...
  2. Go big with wall art. ...
  3. Redecorate / paint. ...
  4. Use colour cleverly. ...
  5. Declutter. ...
  6. Decorate with candles and mirrors. ...
  7. Add house plants and flowers.
Feb 7, 2022

How to decorate a small house to look expensive? ›

How to Make Your Home Look Luxurious on a Budget
  1. Declutter and organize. ...
  2. Use a neutral color palette. ...
  3. Focus on a few high-quality pieces. ...
  4. Create your own artwork and décor. ...
  5. Add crown molding and trim. ...
  6. Choose well-designed light fixtures. ...
  7. Use accent pillows and throws. ...
  8. Fool the eye with curtains.
Oct 3, 2023

How to make a small home look elegant? ›

To make a small house look elegant, first clear out any clutter. Crowded rooms will never make the grade. It's worth investing in quality hardware and flooring with lasting style in a small home: hardwood is a top option. Add crown molding to create architectural detail in rooms, too.

Is a 1000 square foot house too small? ›

1,000 sq ft apartments typically have a living room, a kitchen, one or two bedrooms, and one or two bathrooms. They're not quite sprawling mansions, but they're not tiny houses, either.

What size house can I build for 500000? ›

Square footage impacts cost
Size of homeExpected cost
2,000 square foot home$200,000 – $400,00
2,500 square foot home$250,000 – $500,000
3,000 square foot home$300,000 – $600,000
5,000 square foot home$500,000 – $1,000,000
3 more rows
Nov 30, 2023

What does adu stand for? ›

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs) are an innovative and effective option for adding much needed housing in California. ADUs have been known by many names: granny flats, in-law units, backyard cottages, secondary units and more.

Is a 2000 square-foot home considered small? ›

In terms of the number of rooms, a 2000 square foot house can have anywhere from three to five bedrooms, two to three bathrooms, a living room, a dining room, and a kitchen. However, this can vary depending on the specific layout of the home. A 2000 square foot house is considered to be a medium-sized home.

Is a 1000 sq ft house small? ›

How Many Rooms Are in a 1,000 Square Foot Apartment? 1,000 sq ft apartments typically have a living room, a kitchen, one or two bedrooms, and one or two bathrooms. They're not quite sprawling mansions, but they're not tiny houses, either.

Is 2500 sq ft a small house? ›

Average Square Footage of a House

The average house size is right around 2,500 square feet, but that doesn't mean you should aim for the middle and hope for the best.

Is a 1200 sq ft house too small? ›

Despite the norm, 1200 square foot is not a small house. In fact, this size od home is a great option for those who are looking for affordable yet comfortable homes. However, even with a smaller footprint, there are still a variety of floor plan designs that can be used to create a functional and comfortable home.

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